Current News
XKILL IPHONE site coming online

In preparation for my upcoming iPhone/iPod touch applications (soon to be available from the Apple App Store), I'm starting a companion site for all things iPhone/iPod related that might be of interest to my customers.

Look for more updates as I bring everthing up.
Posted on Mar 23 at 01:32

CloudApp is being retired
Well, that day is upon us - due to Apple's changing AppStore rules and my professional relationship with Apple, CloudApp's developed is halted.

Check our the CloudApp page for details.
Posted on Mar 23 at 01:32

"Not made for iPhone" revisited
I've posted some more thoughts on this notorious message so many iPhone accessory users are familiar with.

If you don't want to read the fine article, let me summerize - if you use the serial protocol to talk to the phone (advance track, play previous track, etc.) then you are going to see the "not made for iPhone" message come back no matter what resistor you use.

Darn it...
Posted on Mar 23 at 01:32

XKILL IPHONE is in hibernation
The lack of recent updates is due to my real-life activities. For my day job, I've recently accepted a position at Apple. While I won't be working (directly) on iPhone related projects, I'm prohibited from writing any new applications or without a lot of legal hassle.

On the other hand, existing applications are exempt from this restriction so I may make a few updates to my already existing apps.
Posted on Mar 23 at 01:32

Quality Assurance Fail
As one astute user noticed, there was a typo in the description for an "Epic Fail". Of course, that same user failed to find the two other spelling errors in other fail descriptions so they were almost as bad as myself.

In any case, the spelling errors have been corrected and an updated app has been submitted to Apple.
Posted on Mar 23 at 01:32

TabBrowser and OnTheCan for sale
The tab-based browsers I wrote several months ago are finally available in the AppStore. They were not available yesturday (i.e. still in review) and tonight when I checked iTunes, there they were. Turns out that (what I use as a SPAM filter) suddenly decided the emails from Apple are SPAM. It didn't think this yesturday...

Strange. Very Strange.

In any case, both apps are available for $0.99
Posted on Mar 23 at 01:32

iPad updates
I've recently made some updates to both TabBrowser and CloudApp to support the iPad.

For TabBrowser, the functionality is largely the same except on the iPad the app supports 8 tabs instead of the simple 5 tabs that the iPhone/iPod allow. Combine the increase in tabs with the increased resolution of the iPad and we finally have what I originally envisioned for the app.

For CloudApp (1 through 4), not only do I support the iPad but I also include a new option to go into full-screen mode (in other words hide the status bar at the top). This allows new types of applications such as photo frame and kiosk type web applications.

Both are universal binaries - the same app runs on the iPhone/iPod or the iPad and are optimized for the device they are running on. I've submitted both to Apple for review and they should be available shortly.
Posted on Mar 23 at 01:32

iResign now available
Tired of your job? Then it's time to "iResign"!.

Using this helpful (and sometimes funny) app, you can send your resignation letter with just the right amount of gratitude, remorse, or anger towards your soon-to-be ex-boss. It's FREE, so go check it out now.
Posted on Mar 23 at 01:32

FailMail now available
Fail Mail is not available for free in the AppStore. Using this application, you can can sound samples such as "FAIL", "EPIC FAIL", or a variety of similiar phrases to anyone with an email address. It's also a sound-board application so you can play the sounds locally for anyone in earshot.

It's free, so go ahead and give it a try today.
Posted on Mar 23 at 01:32

iSpeedway LITE approved
Today iSpeedway LITE was approved for sale in iTunes! Check it out for free and (hopefully) you'll feel compelled to upgrade to the paid version.

Posted on Mar 23 at 01:32

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